If you could ask a couples psychologist three things, what would you ask them? Couples Psychologist Alison Sykiotis took a few minutes out of her schedule to share some insights…

1. How do I get my partner to listen?  

Schedule in time to talk with your partner. Let them know you have something and your mind you want to discuss. We often pounce on our partners when they get home or when they‘re in the midst of doing things. Tell them you just want them to listen and that you don’t need them to fix things. 

2. How do we get out of our relationship rut?  

All relationships go through rough patches. So, it’s important we all take time to prioritise our relationships and connect. Schedule in regular date nights, this could be a regular home movie night, game night or a romantic dinner out. Remember, reconnecting doesn’t have to cost $$. Get out in nature together (walks, cycling), do fun things and have a laugh. Hugging and kissing are important too and planning things to look forward to. 

3. How do I help my partner get through something tough? 

Listen, listen and validate their feelings. Normalise how they are feeling in context of situation e.g., it makes sense that you are feeling hurt given what you just told me. Don’t try and fix it. Help your partner to work through their feelings. Suggest they seek professional help if you feel that would help. 

If you need some support or help with your relationship, check out our Couples Therapy service.