

Does age affect our mental health? What to be aware of and what to enjoy

By |March 5th, 2024|blog|

If mental health was tracked on a timeline, what would it look like at each stage? How does our age and development set the tone for certain conditions and what, if any, are the emotional health benefits of being young, mid-life or old? From baby behaviour to adulting, discover what's really going on in [...]

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3 Questions for a Couples Psych

By |June 1st, 2023|blog|

If you could ask a couples psychologist three things, what would you ask them? Couples Psychologist Alison Sykiotis took a few minutes out of her schedule to share some insights... 1. How do I get my partner to listen?   Schedule in time to talk with your partner. Let them know you have [...]

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